Gina DeBlase

Gina DeBlase

Associate Professor, English Education


313-577-4091 (fax)

Office Hours: By appointment.

College of Education, Room 233

Gina DeBlase

Degrees and Certifications

Ph.D., English Education, University at Buffalo

M.Ed., English Education, University of Rochester

B.A., English, State University of New York at Geneseo


Dr. DeBlase teaches courses  in English education and in reading, language and literature.  

Academic Interests

Adolescent Literacies; gender and literacy; sociocultural theories of literacy and identity; 21st century literacy.


  •  Striving for success: The impact of high stakes tests in the urban classroom
    *DeBlase, G.* 2002 The Ohio Journal of the English Language Arts 42(2)
  • Discourse in the composition classroom: Agency, personal narrative, and the politics of disclosure
    *DeBlase, G.* 5 2002 Teaching English in the Two-Year College 29(4)
  • Making meaningful connections: The role of multicultural literature in the lived experiences of students
    *DeBlase, G.* 2003 Language Arts Journal of Michigan 19(1)c
  • Missing stories, missing lives: Urban girls (Re)constructing race and gender in the literacy classroom
    *DeBlase, G.* 5 2003 Urban Education (38)3
  • Acknowledging agency while accommodating romance: Girls negotiating meaning in literacy transactions
    *DeBlase, G.* 5 2003 Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy 46(8)
  • Tracing texts of desire: Assisting adolescent girls to (re)envision the male gaze
    *DeBlase, G.* 2003 WILLA Journal of Women in Literacy and Life Assembly of the National Council of Teachers of English 12
  • A conversation with Diana Mitchell: 2003 Belle Inglis award winner
    *DeBlase, G.* 2004 WILLA Journal of Women in Literacy and Life Assembly of the National Council of Teachers of English 13
  • Making meaning from literary text: Collaboration and autobiographical disclosure in the language arts classroom
    *DeBlase, G.* 2005 Affective Reading Education Journal 22
  • Teaching literature and language through guided discovery and informal classroom drama
    *DeBlase, G.* 9 2005 English Journal 95(1)
  • Negotiating points of divergence in the literacy classroom: The role of narrative and authorial readings in students' talking and thinking about literature
    *DeBlase, G.* 10 2005 English Education 38(1)
  • "I have a new understanding": Critical narrative inquiry as transformation in the English-history classroom
    *DeBlase, G.* 2006 Journal of the Assembly on Expanded Perspectives in Learning 11
  • Using drama to promote diverse perspectives in children's literature and lives
    *DeBlase, G.* 2006 The Dragon Lode 24(2)
  • Language theories and processes
    * DeBlase, G.* 2006 Sage Encyclopedia of Educational Leadership and Administration 3rd Ed

Courses taught by Gina DeBlase

Fall Term 2023

Fall Term 2022

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