Phyllis E. Whitin

Phyllis E. Whitin

Professor Emeritus - Teacher Education,


Phyllis E. Whitin

Degrees and Certifications

  • PhD, Elementary Education, University of South Carolina, 1993
  • MAT, Elementary Education, University of New Hampshire, 1972
  • B.A., Religion, Bates College, Lewiston, Maine, 1970


  • Language Arts and Children's Literature Program Area Coordinator
  • Chair, COE Curriculum Committee

Academic Interests

Elementary Education: Language arts, children's literature

Area of Expertise

  • Multimodality
  • Integrated, inquiry-based elementary instruction
  • Integration of mathematics and language

Research Interests

  • Interdisplinary inquiry-based learning
  • Multimodality
  • Integration of mathematics and language


President's Award for Excellence in Teaching, Wayne State University


Valuing little steps toward inquiry
Grueber, D. & *Whitin, P.* 11 2012 Science and Children 50

Empowering children as critics and composers of multimodal texts
*Whitin, P.* & Whitin, D. J. 2012 Talking Points 23

Making Sense of Fractions and Percents
Whitin, D. J. & *Whitin, P.* 2012 Teaching Children Mathematics 18

Investigating critical numeracy within a critical literacy framework
*Whitin, P.* & Whitin, D. J. 2011 Language Arts Journal of Michigan 27

Mathematical pattern hunters
*Whitin, P.* & Whitin, D. J. 2011 Young Children 66

Exploring Gee's Bend quilts through interdisciplinary Investigations.
Mitchell, R., *Whitin, P.*, & Whitin, D. 1 2012 Art Education 65: 1

Sketching stories, stretching minds
Whitin, P. 1996 Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann

Inquiry at the window
Whitin, P. & Whitin, D.J. 1997 Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann

Math is language too
Whitin, P. & Whitin, D.J. 2000 Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics; and Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English

New visions for linking literature and mathematics
Whitin, D. J. & Whitin, P. 2004 Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics; and Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English

Learning to read the numbers: Integrating critical literacy and critical numeracy in k-8 classrooms
Whitin, D. J. & Whitin, P. 2011 New York: Routledge

The mathematics survey: A tool for assessing attitudes and dispositions
*Whitin, P.* 2007 Teaching Children Mathematics 13 (8)

Ties that bind: Emergent literacy and scientific inquiry
*Whitin, P.* 2007 Language Arts 85 (1)

Learning to solve problems in the primary grades
*Whitin, P.* & Whitin, D. J. 2008 Teaching Children Mathematics 14 (7)

Learning to read the numbers: A critical orientation toward statistics
*Whitin, P.*, & Whitin, D. J. 2008 Language Arts 85 (6)

Tech-to-stretch: Expanding possibilities for literature response
*Whitin, P.* 2009 The Reading Teacher 62(5)

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