Counseling syllabi
The below syllabi is for the Wayne State University College of Education Counseling program, which has concentrations in: Clinical Mental Health (CMHC); School Counseling (SC); Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling (CRC), and; Art Therapy (AT). Some of the concentrations may be combined. Consult with the program coordinator for more information.
While reviewing syllabi for past courses can often be useful to students in exploring choices for future courses, it is important to note that course structure and content can change significantly from semester to semester and from instructor to instructor. A syllabus for a course offered previously might not accurately reflect course content and expectations for a course offered in the future, even though those courses could share a course number, title and instructor. In addition, students should understand that a syllabus is an instructor's summary plan for a course, but the instructor will retain flexibility to modify that plan as appropriate.
Students with questions about courses for which they are considering registering should consult with the counseling program and/or talk with the instructor of the course.