David Whitin
Degrees and Certifications
- Baccalaureate: Princeton University, 1970, BA, Classics
- Graduate: Boston University, 1971, MA, (Art History)
- University of New Hampshire, 1972, MAT, (Elementary Education)
- Indiana University, 1984, EdD, (Elementary Education)
Area of Expertise
- Problem posing in mathematics
- Inquiry learning across the curriculum
- Developing a critical perspective toward numerical information
- Integrating language and mathematics
Research Interests
- Problem posing in mathematics
- Inquiry learning across the curriculum
- Developing a critical perspective toward numerical information
- Integrating language and mathematics
Viewing the Gee's Bend quilts through an interdisciplinary perspective
Whitin, D.J. 11 2009 Philadelphia: National Council of Teachers of English
Teaching reading, writing, and numeracy: Building bridges for all learners
Whitin, D.J., Whitin, P. 2010 Distinguished Educators Seminar Series, Center of Educational Leadership, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
Learning to read the numbers: Critical numeracy and critical literacy in k-8 classrooms
Whitin, D.J., Whitin, P. 2011 Miami: Joint Statistical Meetings
Interrogating the socio-political dimensions of data-related texts
Whitin, D.J. 11 2011 Chicago: National Council of Teachers of English
Strategies for developing a critical orientation toward statistics
Whitin, D. J. & Whitin, P. 11 2007 National Council of Teachers of English, New York, New York.
Critiquing data in democratic classrooms
Whitin,P. & *Whitin, D.J. 4 2008 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, St. Lake City, UT.
Developing a critical orientation toward data
*Whitin, D. J. & Whitin, P. 11 2008 National Council of Teachers of English, San Antonio, TX.
Empowering children as critics and composers of multimodal texts
Whitin, D.J. & Whitin, P. 5 2012 Talking Points 23 (2)
Investigating critical literacy within a critical literacy framework
Whitin, P. & Whitin, D.J. 2011 Language Arts Journal of Michigan 27 (1)
Using graphs to build mathematical understanding
Larson, M. & Whitin, D.J. 2010 Dimensions of Early Childhood 38 (3)
Exploring Gee's Bend quilts through interdisciplinary investigations.
Mitchell, R., Whitin, P., Whitin, D. J. 2012 Art Education
Making sense of fractions and percents
Whitin, D.J., Whitin, P. 4 2012 Teaching Children Mathematics 18 (8)
Mathematical pattern hunters
Whitin, P. , Whitin, D.J. 2011 Young Children 66 (3)