Thomas C. Pedroni

Thomas C. Pedroni

Associate Professor of Curriculum Studies and Policy Sociology

Phone: (313) 577-1730

Office Hours: Mondays 3 to 5, Tuesdays 10 to 12, and by appointment.

Office Location: 287 Education Building

Thomas C. Pedroni

Degrees and Certifications

  • Ph.D. - Curriculum and Instruction (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
  • M.S. - Curriculum and Instruction (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
  • Teaching Certificate - Secondary Social Studies (Tulane University)
  • B.A. - Philosophy, Emphasis in Critical Social Theory (Miami University)


I am an Associate Professor of Curriculum Studies and Policy Sociology and Director of the Detroit Data and Democracy Project.


Area of Expertise

Race and political economy, racial calitalism, neoliberal urbanism, critical theories of race, spatial theory, critical urban studies, critical curriculum studies, education and anti-Blackness, critical policy sociology 

Research Interests

My current research examines educational and social inequality in relation to the post-welfarist educational policy complex of Detroit. I have published articles in peer-reviewed journals including Teachers College Record and Urban Review, as well as a number of chapters in edited volumes. My first book Market Movements: African American Involvement in School Voucher Reform (Routledge Critical Social Thought series) received the 2009 Critics’ Choice Book Award from the American Educational Studies Association.


  • 2016: Spirit of Detroit Award, Detroit City Council.
  • 2009. Recipient, Critics' Choice Book Award from the American Educational Studies Association, for Market Movements: African American Involvement in School Voucher Reform.
  • 2008. Nominee, Early Career Award Critical Issues in Curriculum and Cultural Studies Special Interest Group, American Educational Research Association.
  • 2007. Distinguished Faculty Honoree for Scholarship and Service, Oakland University 50th Anniversary Founders’ Day Ceremony.

Community Engagement Activities

Featured publications

Can post-structuralist and neo-Marxist approaches be joined? Building composite approaches in critical educational theory and research

Pedroni, T.C., (2021). Chapter 19: Can post-structuralist and neo-Marxist approaches be joined? Building composite approaches in critical educational theory and research. In J. Paraskeva, (Ed). Critical Transformative Leadership and Policy Studies: Lessons From Leading Voices. New York: Myers Education Press, pp 353-369). 


Critical theory


New publications:

Pedroni, T.C. (2021). Through Jean Anyon’s “screen door”: The differentially racialized incursion of the neoliberal state in Milwaukee and Detroit schools.Teachers College Record.123(14).

Benson, J., Pedroni, T.C., & Dumas, M. (2021) Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue: Urban Political Economy, Race and Educational Inequality: Realizing and Extending the Radical Possibility of Jean Anyon. Teachers College Record, 123(14).

Pedroni, T.C., (2021). Chapter 19: Can post-structuralist and neo-Marxist approaches be joined? Building composite approaches in critical educational theory and research. In J. Paraskeva, (Ed). Critical Transformative Leadership and Policy Studies: Lessons From Leading Voices. New York: Myers Education Press, pp 353-369).

Courses taught by Thomas C. Pedroni

Fall Term 2024 (future)

Winter Term 2024

Fall Term 2023

Spring-Summer Term 2023

Winter Term 2023

Fall Term 2022

Winter Term 2022

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