Meina Zhu

Meina Zhu

Associate Professor of Learning Design and Technology


Office Hours: By appointment.

365 Education Bldg.

Meina Zhu

Degrees and Certifications

Ph.D.  Instructional Systems Technology, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.
MS  Educational Technology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing
BS  Educational Technology, Shandong Normal University, Jinan

Research Interests

Online education, self-directed learning, STEM education, AI in education, and learning analytics.


  • 2024 The Indiana University School of Education Distinguished Alumni Award
  • 2023 Bruce N. Chaloux Scholarship for Early Career Excellence, Online Learning Consortium (OLC).
  • 2023 United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA) Rising Star Award (Gold Level)
  • 2022 AERA Division C New Faculty Mentoring Program (NFMP) Award, AERA
  • 2021 Outstanding Early Career Researcher Award - Technology, Instruction, Cognition, and Learning (TICL) SIG, AERA
  • 2021 Outstanding International Research Collaboration Award - Technology, Instruction, Cognition, and Learning (TICL) SIG, AERA
  • 2020 Outstanding AECT Conference Proposals- DDL, AECT
  • 2018 AECT Early Career Research Symposium Award, AECT
  • 2018 Jerrold E. Kemp Instructional Systems Technology Fellowship Fund, Indiana University
  • 2018 L.C. and Sharon Larson Fund, Indiana University
  • 2018 OER Research Fellows, the Open Education Group.
  • 2017 Jerrold E. Kemp Instructional Systems Technology Fellowship Fund, Indiana University
  • 2017 L.C. and Sharon Larson Fund, Indiana University
  • 2015 School of Education Fellowship, Indiana University
  • 2010 Academic Excellent Scholarship, Beijing Normal University


Community Engagement Activities

Professional Organizations

  • AERA Technology, Instruction, Cognition and Learning SIG Chair, 2024 - Present
  • AERA Technology, Instruction, Cognition and Learning SIG program Chair, 2023 - 2024
  • AERA Technology, Instruction, Cognition and Learning SIG Communications Chair, 2022 - 2023
  • AERA Instructional Technology SIG Secretary/Treasurer, 2022 - 2023
  • AECT Research & Theory Division Professional Development Coordinator 2021 - Present
  • AECT Research & Theory Division Communications Officer, 2019 - 2020
  • eLearn conference program committee, 2024- Present
  • Open Education 2019 Program Committee, 2018 - 2019
  • HKAECT Program Committee, July 2018 - Present

Journal Reviewer/Editorial Board Member

  • Editorial board member of Distance Education, 2019 - Present
  • Future in Educational Research, 2023 - Present
  • International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 2024 - Present
  • Educational Technology Research and Development, 2022 - Present
  • Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 2022 - Present
  • Teachers College Record, 2022 - Present
  • Educational Research Review, 2021- Present
  • The Internet and Higher Education, 2021 - Present
  • Journal of Educational Computing Research, 2020 - Present
  • Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 2020
  • Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 2020
  • International Journal of Science Education, 2020
  • International Journal of Smart Technology and Learning, 2020
  • Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange (JETDE), 2020
  • Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 2020
  • Future Generation Computer Systems, 2020
  • Performance Improvement Quarterly (PIQ), 2019
  • Frontiers Psychology, 2019
  • Journal of Teaching and Learning with Technology (JoTLT), 2019
  • Journal of Learning for Development (JL4D), 2019
  • Computers & Education, 2018 - Present
  • Online Learning Journal, 2018, 2019
  • The Asia Pacific Education Review (APER), 2018
  • The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning (IRRODL), 2017 - Present


Featured publications

A meta‐analysis of effects of self‐directed learning in online learning environments

Doo, M. Y., & Zhu, M. (2024). A meta‐analysis of effects of self‐directed learning in online learning environments. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 40(1), 1-20.


Effect size
Learning achievement
Online learning
Self-directed learning
Self-regulated learning


Online learning has become more prevalent over the past three decades, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Educators and scholars have increasingly emphasized the significance of self-directed learning (SDL) on successful learning outcomes in online learning environments.


The purpose of this study was to synthesize the research on the effects of SDL on learning achievement in online learning environments.



This study synthesized the research findings on the effects of SDL on learning achievement in online learning environments using a meta-analysis method. We analysed 152 samples from 43 studies that have reported the effects of SDL on learning achievement or correlations in online learning.


Results and Conclusions

The overall effect size of SDL on learning achievement in online learning showed a medium effect size (g = 0.508). The dimensions of SDL moderated the effects of SDL on learning achievement, and the effects of self-management were statistically smaller than motivation and self-monitoring. The types of learning achievement, learning domains, and participant levels did not moderate the effects of SDL on learning achievement. However, the effects of SDL on learning achievement in the cognitive domain were significantly smaller than the effects of SDL in the affective domain.


What Are the 1 or 2 Major Takeaways from the Study?

This study confirmed the importance of SDL in online learning environments. SDL can be effective for any learner group, not just for adult learners, in online learning environments. Online instructors should facilitate students' self-management to obtain successful learning achievement.

Computer science and engineering students’ self-directed learning strategies and satisfaction with online learning

Zhu, M., Berri, S., Huang, Y., & Masoud, S. (2024). Computer science and engineering students’ self-directed learning strategies and satisfaction with online learning. Computers and Education Open, 6, 100168.


Computer science and engineering education
Self-directed learning
Online learning

There is an increasing need for computer science and engineering (CSE) online education. This study examined CSE online learners’ perceptions of self-directed learning (SDL) readiness, strategies, and satisfaction. The researchers surveyed 225 students and conducted semi-structured interviews with 15 online CSE students. The quantitative survey data and the qualitative interview data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and thematic analysis, respectively. The findings were as follows: (1) Both extrinsic motivation strategies (e.g., future career development, building a learning routine) and intrinsic motivation strategies (e.g., interest in learning) were utilized; (2) Diverse metacognition strategies (e.g., assignments, quizzes, and tests, discussing with peers, tracking progress, staying in touch with professors and teaching assistants) and cognitive strategies (e.g., watching recorded lectures, taking notes, reading books, seeking out information) were used to monitor learning; (3) Time-management (e.g., priority, checklist, fixed schedule, time-block for study) and resource management strategies (e.g., focused on lectures, textbook reading) were leveraged; (4) Specific designs or instruction promoted students’ SDL skills, such as access to documented learning materials, reminders sent from instructors, availability of the instructor, group interaction, and flexibility, and (5) Student satisfaction depended on the design of the course. The advantages and disadvantages of online learning were identified. The findings indicated that the instruction strategies and online course design are critical for CSE students’ SDL.

Transformative Teaching Around the World: Stories of Cultural Impact, Technology Integration, and Innovative Pedagogy

Bonk, C. J., & Zhu, M. (Eds.). (2022) Transformative Teaching Around the World: Stories of Cultural Impact, Technology Integration, and Innovative Pedagogy. NY: Routledge

Designing and delivering MOOCs to motivate learners for self-directed learning

Zhu, M. (2022). Designing and delivering MOOCs to motivate learners for self-directed learning. Open Learning: The Journal of Open and Distance Learning

Enhancing MOOC learners’ skills for self-directed learning. Distance Education

Zhu, M. (2021). Enhancing MOOC learners’ skills for self-directed learning. Distance Education. 42(3), 441-460 Doi: 10.1080/01587919.2021.1956302.

Medical and public health instructors’ perceptions of online teaching: A qualitative study using technology acceptance model 2

Zhu, M., & Zhang, Y. (2021). Medical and public health instructors’ perceptions of online teaching: A qualitative study using technology acceptance model 2. Education and Information Technologies.

The relationship among motivation, self-monitoring, self-management, and learning strategies of MOOC learners

Zhu, M., & Doo, M.-Y. (2021). The relationship among motivation, self-monitoring, self-management, and learning strategies of MOOC learners. Journal of Educational Computing Research.

Reimagining Digital Learning for Sustainable Development: How Upskilling, Data Analytics, and Educational Technologies Close the Skills Gap

Zhu, M. (2021). Reimagining Digital Learning for Sustainable Development: How Upskilling, Data Analytics, and Educational Technologies Close the Skills Gap: edited By Sheila Jagannathan. American Journal of Distance Education.

A comprehensive systematic review of MOOC research: Research techniques, topics, and trends from 2009 to 2019

Zhu, M., Sari, A. R., & Lee, M. M. (2020). A comprehensive systematic review of MOOC research: Research techniques, topics, and trends from 2009 to 2019. Educational Technology Research and Development 68(4), 1685-1710. doi: 10.1007/s11423-020-09798-x. 


Massive open online courses
Research methods
Research trends

This study examines the research methods, topics, and trends of empirical MOOC research to gain a comprehensive understanding of the MOOC phenomenon through reviewing 541 empirical MOOCs research published from 2009 to 2019. The results indicate that: (1) the majority of studies adopted quantitative research methods followed by mixed research methods and qualitative research methods, (2) the most frequently adopted data collection method was survey, followed by platform database and interviews, (3) almost half of the studies used at least two data collection methods such as survey and interview, (4) the majority of researchers adopted descriptive statistics for data analysis, followed by inferential statistics and content analysis, (5) the research topics primarily focused on students, followed by design-focused, context and impact-focused, and instructor-focused. Among these student-focused topics, learner retention, learning experience, social learning, and engagement were the most mentioned, and (6) the affiliations of the first authors of the MOOC studies were mainly from the U.S. followed by China and Spain. Implications and future research were discussed.


 1. Li, Z., Bonk, C., Zhu, M. (2024). Community in Open: Supports, Challenges, and Impacts of Local Learning Communities of Adolescent MOOC Learners. Online Learning, 28(3), 497-523.

2. Zhu, M., Doo, M. Y., Masoud, S., & Huang, Y. (2024). The influence of SDL on learning satisfaction in online learning and group differences between undergraduates and graduates. Education and Information Technologies.

3. Li, Z., Zheng, X., Bonk, C.J., & Zhu, M. (2024). Designing MOOCs in South America towards Open and Equitable Education. Distance Education. 45(3), 365–384.

4. Zhu, M., Berri, S., Huang, Y., & Masoud, S. (2024). Enhancing computer science and engineering students’ self-directed learning and satisfaction with online learning. Computers and Education Open.

5. Doo, M.-Y. & Zhu, M. (2024). A meta-analysis of effects of self-directed learning in online learning environments. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 40 (1), 1-20.

6. Zhu, M. & Wang, C. (2024) Computer science teaching strategies, challenges and K-12 teachers’ professional development opportunities and need. Computers in the Schools, 41 (1), 1-22.

7. Zhu, M., Berri, S., Koda, R., & Wu, Y. J. (2024). Exploring students’ self-directed learning strategies and satisfaction in online learning. Education and Information Technologies, 29(3), 2787-2803.

8. Bonk, C. J., & Zhu, M. (2024). On the trail of self-directed online learners. ECNU Review of Education, 7(2), 406-419.

9. Wang, C., Qu, P., & Zhu, M. (2023). Course Design Practices Using Open Educational Resources (OER)-Enabled Pedagogy in Language Teacher Education. The Journal of Applied Instructional Design.

10. Zhu, M., & Wang, C. (2023). Core competencies of K-12 computer science education from the perspectives of college faculties and K-12 teachers. International Journal of Computer Science Education in Schools, 6(2). DOI:

11. Li, Z., Zhu, M., Kadirova, D., Bonk, C. J. (2023). Towards self-directed learning: How do Nepali adolescents learn with MOOCs? Distance Education. 44(4), 655-674.

12. Zhang, K. & Zhu, M. (2023). Facilitate online problem-based learning using 4S PBL: Strategies and technologies. Distance Learning.

13. Doo, M.-Y., Zhu, M., & Bonk, C. J. (2023). A systematic review of the research trends in online learning during COVID-19: Documenting the sudden shift. Online Learning, 27 (1).

14. Doo, M.-Y., Zhu, M., & Bonk, C. J. (2023). Influences of self-directed learning on learning outcomes in MOOCs: Meta-analysis. Distance Education, 44(1), 86-105.

15. Zhu, M. & Ergulec, F. (2023). Strategies for online collaborative learning assessment: A systematic review. Distance Education.

16. Malik, K. & Zhu, M. (2023) Do project-based learning, hands-on activities, and flipped teaching enhance student’s learning of introductory theoretical computing classes? Education and Information Technologies, 28 (3), 3581-3604.

17. Zhu, M. & Zhang, K. (2023). Promote collaborations in online problem-based learning in a user experience design course: Educational design research. Education and Information Technologies, 28 (6), 7631-7649.

18. Zhu, M. & Bonk, C. J. (2022). Guidelines and strategies for fostering and enhancing online self-directed learning. Open Learning: The Journal of Open and Distance Learning.

19. Zhang, K. & Zhu, M. (2022). Define “Learning Engineering” with the TRAP Framework. Engineering Technology Open Access Journal, 4(2).

20. Lee, Y. & Zhu, M. (2022). Digital game-based learning can develop students’ literacy skills and meet learning standards. Computers in the Schools, 39(3), 274-296.

21. Zhu, M., Sari, A. R., & Lee, M. M. (2022). Trends and issues in MOOC learning analytics empirical research: A systematic literature review (2011-2021). Education and Information Technologies, 27(7), 10135-10160.

22. Zhu, M., Bonk, C. J., & Berri, S. (2022). Fostering self-directed learning in MOOCs: Motivation, learning strategies, and instruction. Online Learning, 26(1), 153-173. doi: 10.24059/olj.v26i1.2629

23. Gamze, O., Zhu, M., & Phillips, T. (2022). Student perceptions and actuals of cognitive presence: A case study of an intentionally designed asynchronous online course. Online Learning, 26(1), 38-57. doi: 10.24059/olj.v26i1.3051

24. Zhu, M. (2022). Designing and delivering MOOCs to motivate learners for self-directed learning. Open Learning: The Journal of Open and Distance Learning.

25. Zhu, M. & Zhang, Y. (2022). Medical and public health instructors’ perceptions of online teaching: A qualitative study using technology acceptance model 2. Education and Information Technologies, 27 (2), 2385-2405.

26. Masoud, S., Zhu, M., Rickli, J., & Djuric, A. (2022). Challenges and Future Directions for Extended Reality-enabled Robotics Laboratories During COVID-19. Technology Interface International Journal, 14.

27. Zhu, M. & Doo, M.-Y. (2022). The relationship among motivation, self-monitoring, self-management, and learning strategies of MOOC learners. Journal of Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 34(2), 321-342.

28. Zhu, M. & Kadirova, D. (2022). Self-directed learners’ perceptions and experiences of learning computer science through MIT OCW. Open Learning: The Journal of Open and Distance Learning, 37(4), 370-385.

29. Phan, T., Zhu, M., & Pau, M. (2021). The effects of technological professional development training on faculty’s perceptions and actual use of technology. Educational Media International, 58(4), 335-354.

30. Liao, JYC, Ottenbreit-Leftwich, A., Zhu, M., Jantaraweragul, K., Christie, L., Krothe, K., Sparks, K. (2021). How can we support online learning for elementary students? Perceptions and experiences of technology award-winning K-6 teachers. TechTrends, 65(6), 939-951.

31. Zhu, M. (2021). Enhancing MOOC learners’ skills for self-directed learning. Distance Education, 42(3), 441-460.

32. Zhu, M., Berri, S., & Zhang, K. (2021). Effective instructional strategies and technology use in blended learning: A case study. Education and Information Technologies, 26(5), 6143-6161.

33. Phan, T., Pau, M., & Zhu, M. (2021). Faculty’s profile uses of technology in the classroom: How their uses of technology are affected by their teaching goals and perceptions of instructional technology. Contemporary Educational Technology, 13(3).

34. Masoud, S., Mariscal, N., Huang, Y., & Zhu, M. (2021). A sensor-based data driven framework to investigate PM2.5 in the greater Detroit area. IEEE Sensors Journal, 21(14), 16192-16200. doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2021.3076041.

35. Zhu, M., Sabir, N., Bonk, C. J., Sari, A., Xu., S., & Kim, M. (2021). Addressing learner cultural diversity in MOOC design and delivery: Strategies and practices of instructors and experts. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 22(2), 1-25.

36. Zhu, M. & Basdogan, M. (2021). Examining social learning in an active learning classroom through pedagogy-space-technology framework. Journal of Learning Space, 10(1), 15-26.

37. Tomita, K., Alangari, H., Zhu, M., Ergulec, F., Lachheb, A., & Boling, E., (2021). Challenges implementing qualitative research methods in a study of instructional design practice. TechTrends 65, 144–151.

38. An, Y., Zhu, M., Bonk, C. J., & Lin, L. (2021). Exploring instructors’ perspectives, practices, and perceived support needs and barriers related to the gamification of MOOCs. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 33(1), 64-84.

39. Zhu, M., Sari, A. R., & Lee, M. M. (2020). A comprehensive systematic review of MOOC research: Research techniques, topics, and trends from 2009 to 2019. Educational Technology Research and Development 68(4), 1685-1710.

40. Zhu, M. (2020). Effective pedagogical strategies for STEM education from instructors’ perspective: OER for educators. Open Praxis,12 (2), 257-270.

41. Zhu, M. & Bonk, C. J. (2020). Technology tools and instructional strategies for designing and delivering MOOCs to facilitate self-monitoring of learners. Journal of Learning for Development, 7(1), 31-45.

42. Zhu, M., Bonk, C. J., & Doo, M.-Y. (2020). Self-directed learning in MOOCs: Exploring the relationships among motivation, self-monitoring, and self-management. Educational Technology Research and Development, 68(5), 2073-2093.

43. Zhu, M., Basdogan, M., & Bonk, C. J. (2020). A case study of the design practices and judgments of novice instructional designers. Contemporary Educational Technology, 12(2).

44. Phan, T., & Zhu, M. (2020). Professional development journey in MOOCs by pre-and in-service teachers. Educational Media International, 57(2), 148-166.

45. Doo, M. Y., Zhu, M., Bonk, C. J., & Tang, Y. (2020). The effects of openness, altruism, and instructional self-efficacy on work engagement of MOOC instructors. British Journal of Educational Technology, 51(3), 743-760.

46. Doo, M., Tang, Y., Bonk, C. J., & Zhu, M. (2020). MOOC instructor motivation and career development. Distance Education, 41(1), 26-47.

47. Sari, A. R., Bonk, C. J., & Zhu, M. (2020). MOOC instructor designs and challenges: What can be learned from existing MOOCs in Indonesia and Malaysia? Asia Pacific Education Review, 21(1), 143-166.

48. Zhu, M., & Bonk, C. J. (2019). Designing MOOCs to facilitate participant self-monitoring for self-directed learning. Online Learning, 23(4), 106-134.

49. Zhu, M. & Bonk, C. J. (2019). Designing MOOCs to facilitate participant self-directed learning: An analysis of instructor perspectives and practices. International Journal of Self-Directed Learning, 16(2), 39-60.

50. Zhu, M., Herring, S. C., & Bonk, C. J. (2019). Exploring ¬presence in online learning through three forms of computer-mediated discourse analysis. Distance Education, 40(2), 205-225.

51. Zhu, M., Bonk, C. J., & Sari, A. (2019). MOOC instructor motivations, innovations, and designs: Surveys, interviews, and course reviews. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 45(1), 1-22.

52. Kwon, K., Ottenbreit-Leftwich, A.T., Sari, A., Khlaif, Z., Zhu, M., Nadiruzzaman, H., Gok. F. (2019). Teacher’s self-efficacy matters: Mobile computing device integration in middle schools. TechTrends, 63(6), 682–692.

53. Zhu, M., Bonk, C. J., & Sari, A. (2018). Instructor experiences designing MOOCs in higher education: Pedagogical, resource, and logistical considerations and challenges. Online Learning, 22(4), 203-241.

54. Bonk, C. J., Zhu, M., Kim, M., Xu, S., Sabir, N., & Sari, A. (2018). Pushing toward a more personalized MOOC: Exploring instructor selected activities, resources, and technologies for MOOC design and implementation. The International Review of Research on Open and Distributed Learning (IRRODL), 19(4), 92-115.;

55. Zhu, M., Sari, A., & Lee, M. M. (2018). A systematic review of research methods and topics of the empirical MOOC literature (2014-2016). The Internet and Higher Education, 37, 31-39.

56. Boling, E., Alangari, H., Gyabak-Kumka, K., Guo, M., Hajdu, I., Khlaif, Z., Kizilboga, R., Tomita, K. Alsaif, M., Lachheb, A., Bae, H., Ergulec, F., Zhu, M., Basdogan, M., Buggs, C., Sari, A., & Techawitthayachinda, R. (2017). Core judgments of instructional designers in practice. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 30(3), 199-219.


Courses taught by Meina Zhu

Winter Term 2025 (current)

Winter Term 2024

Fall Term 2023

Winter Term 2023

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