Mary Neville
Degrees and Certifications
Ph.D. Curriculum, Instruction, and Teacher Education (2020)
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Masters of Education (2012)
University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN
B.A. English (2010)
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Teacher Education Division (TED) and Reading, Language, and Literature (RLL) faculty member
English Education (7 - 12) lead faculty member
Mary L. Neville, Ph.D. is an assistant professor of English Education at Wayne State University. She is a former middle and high school English language arts teacher, and her work is directly informed by her experiences as a classroom teacher and teacher educator. She is strongly committed to forwarding curriculum that is humanizing and responsive to the students and teachers in language arts contexts.
Her work focuses on the ways that English language arts classrooms in secondary contexts might be more equitable and humanizing, with a focus on both criticality and joy through the analysis of multimodal texts centered in the lives of youth and teachers in and beyond classroom spaces. Her recent research has examined curricular engagements that promote joyfulness within literacy in contexts from 4th - 12th grade, as well as how secondary English language arts teachers might be prepared through humanizing methods approaches.
Area of Expertise
- Secondary English language arts curricula and pedagogy
- Teacher preparation and methods for secondary English language arts
- Humanizing pedagogies in literacy and language arts
- Multiliteracies and secondary language arts contexts
- Young Adult Literature
- Qualitative research methodologies
Neville, M.L. & Popielarz, K. E. (2023). “Living in these two places really shaped my life”: Examining multimodal playlist assignments in social studies and language arts methods courses. Journal of Social Studies Research, 47(3-4), 173 - 183
Neville, M. L. (2023). “I want them to see writing as a joyful thing to do”: Noticing texts as equity-oriented English education. English Education, 55 (2), 92 – 115.
Neville, M. L. & Marlatt, R. (2022). “Literacy to me is about power”: Reading full-length fiction and non-fiction texts in a disciplinary literacy teacher education course. English Teaching: Practice & Critique, 21 (4), 455 – 468.
Neville, M. L. & Johnson, S. I. (2022). “My literacies expand over two languages”: Language and literacy autobiographies as justice-oriented teacher education. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 66(2), 111 – 121.
Muhammad, G. E., Ortiz, N., & Neville M. L. (2021). A Historically Responsive Literacy Model for reading and mathematics. The Reading Teacher, 75 (1), 73 – 81.