Noel Kulik
Associate Professor of Community Health
Office Hours: By appointment.
2163 Faculty Administration Building
Noel Kulik
Degrees and Certifications
Ph.D. in Public Health
Gillings School of Global Public Health
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Community Health Education
- Research faculty for the Center for Health and Community Impact
Research Interests
- Child and adolescent health
- Obesity prevention and treatment
- Nutrition and physical activity behavioral interventions
- Social support and health
Featured publications
Managing Outliers in Adolescent Food Frequency Questionnaire Data
Lee, M. S., Carcone, A. I., Ko, L., Kulik, N., Ellis, D. A., & Naar, S. (2020). Managing Outliers in Adolescent Food Frequency Questionnaire Data. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.
Abstract Objective
The goal of this study was to explore the impact of 5 decision rules for removing outliers from adolescent food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) data.
This secondary analysis used baseline and 3-month data from a weight loss intervention clinical trial.
African American adolescents (n = 181) were recruited from outpatient clinics and community health fairs.
Variables Measured
Data collected included self-reported FFQ and mediators of weight (food addiction, depressive symptoms, and relative reinforcing value of food), caregiver-reported executive functioning, and objectively measured weight status (percentage overweight).
Descriptive statistics examined patterns in study variables at baseline and follow-up. Correlational analyses explored the relationships between FFQ data and key study variables at baseline and follow-up.
Compared with not removing outliers, using decision rules reduced the number of cases and restricted the range of data. The magnitude of baseline FFQ-mediator relationships was attenuated under all decision rules but varied (increasing, decreasing, and reversing direction) at follow-up. Decision rule use increased the magnitude of change in FFQ estimated energy intake and significantly strengthened its relationship with weight change under 2 fixed range decision rules.
Chapter 5: Program Planning in Public Health Nutrition: Essentials for Practitioner
Kulik, N., Dombrowski, R. & Barcelona, J. (2020). Chapter 5: Program Planning in Public Health Nutrition: Essentials for Practitioners. Eds. Jones-Smith, J.C.. Johns Hopkins University Press: Baltimore, MD.
1. Garn, A.C., Moore, E.W., Centeio, E.E., Kulik, N., Somers, C., & McCaughtry, N. (accepted). Reciprocal effects model of children’s physical activity, physical self-concept, and enjoyment. Psychology of Sport and Exercise.
2. Shen, B., Luo, X., Bo, J., Garn, A., & Kulik, N. (accepted). College women's physical activity, health-related quality of life, and physical fitness: A self-determination perspective. Psychology, Health & Medicine.
3. Wang, M.L., McElfish, P.A., Long, C.R., Lee, M.S., Bursac, Z., Kozak, A.T., Ko, L., Kulik, N., Yeary, K. (accepted). BMI and related risk factors among U.S. Marshallese with diabetes and their families. Ethnicity and Health.
4. Kulik, N., Moore, E.W., Centeio, E.E., Martin, J., Garn, A., Shen, B. Somers, C., and McCaughtry, N. (2019). Knowledge, Attitudes, Self-Efficacy and Healthy Eating Behavior Among Children: Results from the Building Healthy Communities Trial. Health Education and Behavior.
5. Kulik, N., Thomas, E.,* Fahlman, M., Garn, A., Centeio, E., Somers, C. & McCaughtry, N. (2019). Dietary self-efficacy and dietary intake by race/ethnicity among children. Health Education Journal.
6. Centeio, E., Somers, C.S., Moore, W., Garn, A., Kulik, N., Martin, J., Shen, B. and McCaughtry, N. (2019). Considering physical well-being, self-perceptions, and support variables in understanding youth academic achievement. The Journal of Early Adolescence.
7. Kulik, N., McKeough, M., Leatherwood, S., Kendzierski, S., & Conway, K. (2018). Factors influencing physician referral decisions into a family-based pediatric weight management program. Journal of Family Medicine and Community Health, 5(1), 1-7.
8. Kulik, N., Iovan, S. McKeough, M., Kendzierski, S. & Leatherwood, S. (2018). Parent knowledge and child success in a healthy eating and physical activity program. Health Behavior and Policy Review, 5(1), 69-76.
9. Centeio, E., McCaughtry, N., Moore, W.G., Kulik, N., Garn, A., Martin, J., Shen, B., Somers, C., & Fahlman, M. (2018). Building Healthy Communities: A comprehensive school health program to prevent obesity in elementary schools. Preventive Medicine, 111, 210-215.
10. Centeio, E.E., Somers, C.L., Kulik, N., Garn, A., Shen, B., Martin, J., Fahlman, M. & McCaughtry, N. (2018). Relationship between academic achievement and healthy school transformations in urban elementary schools. Physical Education Sport Pedagogy, 23(4), 402-407.
11. Shen, B., Centeio, E., Garn, A., Martin, J., Kulik, N., Somers, C., & McCaughtry, N. (2018). Parental social support, perceived competence and enjoyment in school physical activity. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 7, 346-352.
12. Kulik, N., Thomas, E.*, Iovan, S., McKeough, M., Leatherwood, S., Kendzierski, S., & Conway, K. (2017). Access to primary care child weight management programs: Urban parent barriers and facilitators to participation. Journal of Child Health Care, 21(4), 509-521.
13. Martin, J., Byrd, B., Wooster, S., & Kulik, N. (2017). Self-determination theory: The role of the health care professional in promoting mindfulness and perceived competence. Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research, 22(4), e12072.
14. Centeio, E.E., Whalen, L., Thomas, E., Kulik, N., McCaughtry, N. (2017). Using yoga to reduce stress and bullying behaviors among urban youth. Health, 9(3), 409-424.
15. Somers, C. L., Centeio, E. E., Kulik, N., Garn, G., Martin, J., Shen, B., Fahlman, M., & McCaughtry, N. (2016). Academic and psychosocial outcomes of a physical activity program with fourth graders: Variations among schools in six urban school districts. Urban Education. 1-21. doi:10.1177/0042085916668951.
16. Kulik, N., McNeill, C, Murphy, A., & Iovan, S. (2016). Sexual Health Knowledge, Self-Efficacy and Behavioral Intentions Following a Health Fair for Adolescents. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 33(3), 119-127. DOI: 10.1080/07370016.2016.1191866
17. Garn, A.C., Morin, A., Martin, J., Centeio, E., Shen, B., Kulik, N., Somers, C. & McCaughtry, N. (2016). A reciprocal effects model of children’s body fat self-concept: Relations with physical self-concept and physical activity. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 38(3), 255-267.
18. Kulik, N., Valle, C., & Tate, D. (2016). Friend and family support for weight loss in adolescent females. Childhood Obesity. 12(1), 44-51.
19. Martin, J. J., Byrd, B., Garn, A., McCaughtry, N., Kulik, N., & Centeio, E. (2016). Predicting social responsibility and belonging in urban after-school physical activity clubs with underserved children. The Urban Review, 48(3), 355-498.
20. Kulik, N., Ennett, S.T., Ward, D.S., Bowling, J.M., Fisher, E.B., & Tate, D.F. (2015). A randomized controlled trial examining peer support and behavioral weight loss treatment. Journal of Adolescence, 44, 117-123. doi:10.1016/j.adolescence.2015.07.010.
21. Kulik, N., Somers, C., Thomas, E., Martin, J., Centeio, E., Garn, A., Shen, B., & McCaughtry, N. (2015). Source and type of support for in-school physical activity: Differential patterns for demographic subgroups. American Journal of Health Education, 46(5), 301-309.
22. Whalen, L.*, McCaughtry, N., Garn, A., Kulik, N., Centeio, E. E., Maljak, K., Kaseta, M., Shen, B. & Martin, J. (2015). Why inner-city high-school students attend after-school physical activity clubs. Health Education Journal, 75(6) 0017896915608885.
23. Centeio, E.E., Whalen, L., Kulik, N., Thomas, E.*, and McCaughtry, N. (2015). Understanding stress and aggression behaviors among urban youth. Journal of Yoga and Physical Therapy, 5(187), 2.
24. Shen, B., McCaughtry, N., Martin, J., Garn, A., Kulik, N., & Fahlman, M. (2015). The relationships between teachers’ burnout and students’ motivation. British Journal of Educational Psychology. DOI: 10.1111/bjep.12089.
25. Kulik, N., Fisher, E. B., Ward, D. S., Ennett, S. T., Bowling, J. M., & Tate, D. F. (2014). Peer support enhanced social support in adolescent females during weight loss. American Journal of Health Behavior, 38(5), 789-800. DOI: 10.5993/AJHB.38.5.16.
26. Centeio E.E., McCaugtry, N., Gutuskey, L., Garn, A.C., Somers, C., Shen, B., Martin, J., & Kulik, N. (2014). Physical activity change through comprehensive school physical activity programs in urban elementary schools. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 33(4), 573-591.
27. Maljak, K.*, Garn, A., McCaughtry, N., Kulik, N., Martin, J.,Shen, B., Whalen,L., and Fahlman, M. (2014). Challenges in offering inner-city after-school physical activity clubs. American Journal of Health Education, 45:5, 297-307. DOI: 10.1080/19325037.2014.934414.
28. Bernard, D., Martin, J., & Kulik, N. (2014). Self-determination theory and well-being in the health care profession. Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research, 19(3), 157-170.
29. Garn, A., McCaughtry, N., Kulik, N., Kaseta, M., Maljak, KA., Whalen, L., Fahlman, M., Shen, B. (2014). Successful after-school physical activity clubs in urban high schools: Perceptions of adult learners and student participants. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 33(1), 112-133.
30. Harrison, S., Henneman, K., Herrera, M., Hockman, E., Brooks, E., Darland, N., Kulik, N. & Sandy-Hanson, A.E. (2013). Using multiple technologies to teach nursing students about adoption. J Educational Technology Systems, 41(2), 133-143.
31. Kim, K, Linnan, L., Kulik, N., Carlisle, V., Enga, Z., Bentley, M. (2007). Linking beauty and health among African American women: Using focus group results to build culturally and contextually appropriate interventions. J Social, Behavioral and Health Sciences, 1(1), 41-59.
32. LeRoy, B., Wolf-Branigin, M., Wolf-Branigin, K., Israel, N., & Kulik, N. (2007). Challenges to the systematic adoption of person-centered planning. Best Practices in Mental Health: An International Journal, 3(1), 16-25.
33. LeRoy, B., Walsh, P.N., Kulik, N., & Rooney, M. (2004). Retreat and Resilience: Life Experiences of Older Women With Intellectual Disabilities. American Journal on Mental Retardation, 109(5), 429-441.
Courses taught by Noel Kulik
Fall Term 2025 (future)
- HE1010 - Foundations of Health and Health Promotion
- HE3440 - Nutrition and Health Education
- HE6100 - Health Communication Methods and Techniques
- KHS6540 - Workshop in Kinesiology, Health and Sport Studies
Spring-Summer Term 2025 (future)
Winter Term 2025 (current)
- HE3440 - Nutrition and Health Education
- HE6530 - Principles and Practice of Health Education and Health Promotion
- KHS6540 - Workshop in Kinesiology, Health and Sport Studies
Fall Term 2024
- HE1010 - Foundations of Health and Health Promotion
- HE3440 - Nutrition and Health Education
- KHS6540 - Workshop in Kinesiology, Health and Sport Studies
- KHS9601 - Professional Seminar
Winter Term 2024
- HE3440 - Nutrition and Health Education
- HE6100 - Health Communication Methods and Techniques
- KHS6540 - Workshop in Kinesiology, Health and Sport Studies
Fall Term 2023
- HE3440 - Nutrition and Health Education
- HE6530 - Principles and Practice of Health Education and Health Promotion
- KHS6540 - Workshop in Kinesiology, Health and Sport Studies
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