Roland Sintos Coloma
Associate Dean, Faculty and Staff Affairs; Professor, Teacher Education
(313) 577-0953
Education Bldg, room 267
Roland Sintos Coloma
Degrees and Certifications
- Ph.D., Cultural Studies in Education & Minor in African American and African Studies, The Ohio State University
- M.A., Cultural Studies in Education, The Ohio State University
- Teaching Credential, English (CLAD), California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
- M.A., Educational Administration, University of California, Riverside
- B.A., Liberal Studies, University of California, Riverside
Academic Interests
- urban and global education
- curriculum studies, teacher education, and policy
- race, class, gender, sexuality, and intersectionality
- empire, diaspora, and transnationalism
- cultural studies, history, and post-critical theories
- Filipino/a/x, Asian American, and Asian Canadian studies
Leadership in Academic Organizations
- Vice President - Division B: Curriculum Studies - American Educational Research Association [AERA] (2026-29)
- President - American Educational Studies Association [AESA] (2018-19)
Immediate Past President (2019-20), President-elect and Program Chair (2017-18), Vice President (2016-17), Nomination Committee (2023) - Program Co-Chair, Division G: Social Context of Education - AERA (2018-20)
- Editor - Educational Studies journal (2014-17)
- Program Chair, Division F: History and Historiography - AERA (2009-11)
- Secretary/Treasurer, Postcolonial Studies and Education SIG - AERA (2006-09)
Previous Administrative Experience
- Assistant Dean - Division of Teacher Education, Wayne State University
- Chair - Department of Teacher Education, Northern Kentucky University
- Chair - Department of Teacher Education, Miami University (Ohio)
- Associate Chair and Graduate Coordinator - Department of Social Justice Education, OISE University of Toronto (Canada)
- Co-Director - Centre for Integrative Anti-Racism Studies, OISE University of Toronto (Canada)
Other Prior Employment
- Teacher, English - Los Angeles High School, Baldwin Park High School, and Ramona High School (California)
- Coordinator, Asian Pacific Student Programs Office - University of California, Riverside
- Best Edited Collection in Canadian Studies Prize for the Asian Canadian Studies Reader (with Gordon Pon) - Canadian Studies Network / Reseau d'etudes canadiennes (2019)
- Distinguished Service to Education and Community Award - National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada (2018)
- Distinguished Scholar Award - Research on the Education of Asian and Pacific Americans SIG, American Educational Research Association (2017)
- Outstanding Faculty Award - Black Faculty and Staff Association, Northern Kentucky University (2017)
- Visiting Scholar - University of Sydney, Australia (2016)
- Article of the Year Award - Queer Studies SIG, American Educational Research Association (2015)
Total External Funding = $3.1M as Principal Investigator + $212K as Co-Investigator
- Co-Principal Investigator, Preparing Equity Warriors: Creating Pipelines to Organize for Change ($750,000 | 2024-27 | National Education Association), Co-P.I.: Annette Christiansen, Michigan Education Association
- Principal Investigator, Southeast Michigan Pipeline for Next Generation of Diverse Teachers ($58,000 | 2023-24 | Community Foundation of Southeast Michigan)
- Co-Principal Investigator, Project MITTEN 2.0 planning grant (2023-24 | $10,000 | National Education Association), Co-P.I.: Annette Christiansen, Michigan Education Association
- Co-Principal Investigator, Detroit STEM Education Initiative ($263,797 | 2023-24 | General Motors), website | Co-P.I.: Jennifer Lewis, Wayne State University
- Co-Investigator, Moments & Movements: Challenging Asian American Invisibility in Racial Justice in K-12 Education ($50,000 | 2022-24 | Spencer Foundation), P.I.: Dr. Betina Hsieh, CSU Long Beach
- Principal Investigator, Project MITTEN: Michigan Initiative to Transform Educational and Equity Networks ($675,000 | 2021-24 | National Education Association) website
- Principal Investigator, Shifting Urban Narratives: Youth Civic Engagement and America's Future (2020-21) | $140,000 | Schultz Family Foundation and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, as part of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's Grand Challenges Competition) | Vimeo: How Storytelling Effects Change
- Co-Investigator, "Increased Equity and Access for Urban Educators" ($32,000 | 2020-22 | Community Telecommunications Network), P.I.: Katie Baleja, Wayne State University
- Principal Investigator, “Metro Detroit Teaching Residency for Urban Excellence (TRUE) Project” ($1,111,126 | 2019-24 | U.S. Department of Education, Teacher Quality Partnership)
- Principal Investigator, “From Grief to Grievance: Asian Canadian Demands to the Government” ($39,869 | 2010-13 | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council [SSHRC] Research Development Initiatives Grant)
- Principal Investigator, “Spectres of In/visibility: Filipina/o Lives in Canada” ($16,512 | 2009-11 | SSHRC Aid to Research Workshops and Conferences)
Community Engagement Activities
- Organizing Committee, Educators Rising Conference & Competition, Michigan Education Association and Wayne State University (2023-present)
- Advisory Board, Asian Pacific American Studies Program, Michigan State University (2023-present)
- Commissioner, Michigan Asian Pacific American Affairs Commission (2020-24)
Book Series
- Hsieh, B., & Coloma, R. S. (2025 - present). Book series editors: Critical Asian American and Pasifika studies in education. Myers Education Press.
- Hsieh, B., & Coloma, R. S. (Eds.). (2025). Moments and movements: Counterstories for critical Asian American+ studies in education. Myers Education Press.
- Coloma, R. S., & Rhee, J. (Eds.). (2022). Diversity, democracy, and social justice in education. Elsevier. (Volume 2 of International encyclopedia of education, 4th edition)
- Coloma, R. S., & Pon, G. (Eds.). (2017). Asian Canadian studies reader. University of Toronto Press.
- Coloma, R. S., McElhinny, B., Tungohan, E., Catungal, J.P., & Davidson, L. (Eds.). (2012). Filipinos in Canada: Disturbing invisibility. University of Toronto Press.
- Coloma, R. S. (Ed.). (2009). Postcolonial challenges in education. Peter Lang.
Journal Articles (since 2018)
- Coloma, R. S. (2024). Decolonizing queer epistemology: Boys love and cultural imaginary from the global majority. Journal of Queer and Trans Studies in Education, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.60808/cvn9-4528
- Yu, M., Coloma, R. S., Sun, W., & Kwon, J. (2024). Dissecting anti-Asian racism through a historical and transnational AsianCrit lens. Sociological Inquiry, 94(2), 330-350. https://doi.org/10.1111/soin.12572
- Coloma, R. S., Brewster, W., Christiansen, A., Fancher, M. P., Hayes, C., Johnson, L., Matias, C. E., Wotruba, D., Baker, M., Campbell, N., Kubitskey, B., & Tapp, A. R. (2023). Critical race theory in schools?: The struggle for a more inclusive curriculum. Thresholds in Education, 46(1), 8-32.
- Coloma, R. S., Chang, S., Rice, M. F., Mui, R., Ocomen, K., Rao, N., McKeithen–Polish, S., Desai, M., & Palepu, K. (2022). Beyond model minority: Asian American history in Michigan’s K–12 schools. The Great Lakes Social Studies Journal, 2(2), 27–32.
- Hamdan, S., & Coloma, R. S. (2022). Assessing teachers' cultural competency. Journal of Educational Foundations, 35(1), 108-128.
- Coloma, R. S., Hsieh, B., Poon, O., Chang, S., Choimorrow, S.Y., Kulkarni, M.P., Meng, G., Patel, L., & Tintiangco-Cubales, A. (2021). Reckoning with anti-Asian violence: Racial grief, visionary organizing, and educational responsibility. Educational Studies, 57(4), 378-394. https://doi.org/10.1080/00131946.2021.1945607
- Coloma, R. S. (2020). Decolonizing urban education. Educational Studies, 56(1), 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1080/00131946.2019.1711095
- Coloma, R. S. (2020). Unresolved feelings: Notes on pleasure and pain from an accidental educator. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 33(6), 649-662. https://doi.org/10.1080/09518398.2020.1720853
- Hepburn, S., & Coloma, R. S. (2019). Ageing transmigrants and the decolonisation of life course. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 38(1), 48-66. https://doi.org/10.1080/02601370.2018.1513428
- Coloma, R. S. (2018). Setting theory to work in history of education. History of Education Review, 47(1), 40-53. https://doi.org/10.1108/HER-05-2017-0009
- Coloma, R. S. (2018). Queering Asian Canada: Troubling family, generation, and community. Asian Diasporic Visual Cultures and the Americas, 4(1-2), 89-113. https://doi.org/10.1163/23523085-00401005
Book Chapters (since 2018)
- Duran, A., & Coloma, R. S. (2023). Queer joy as an affective incitement to queer and trans studies in education. In A. Duran, K. K. Strunk, & R. Schey (Eds.), Bridging the rainbow gap: Possibilities and tensions in queer and trans studies in education (pp. 109–124). Brill.
- Coloma, R. S. (2023). “The struggle continues …”: On the cruel optimism of LGBT organizing. In M. F. Manalansan IV, R. Diaz, & R. Tolentino (Eds.), Beauty and brutality: Manila and its global discontents (pp. 220–242). Temple University Press.
- Coloma, R. S., & Rhee, J.–e. (2022). Introduction: Struggling against virus of hate. In R. S. Coloma & J.–e. Rhee (Eds.), Diversity, democracy, and social justice in education. Elsevier.
Creative Works
- Coloma, R. S., Reynolds, A. D., & Crowley, C. B. (Curators & Directors). (2021). They didn’t know we were seeds: Detroit tales of resilience (film, exhibition, and virtual gallery).
Encyclopedia Entries
- Coloma, R. S. (2022). LGBTQ rights movement, Filipina/x/o American. In K. L. Y. Nadal, A. Tintiangco–Cubales, & E. J. R. David (Eds.), The SAGE encyclopedia of Filipina/x/o American studies. SAGE.
- Coloma, R. S. (2021). Decolonizing approaches. In K. K. Strunk & S. A. Shelton (Eds.), Encyclopedia of queer studies in education (pp. 144–147). Brill.
- Coloma, R. S. (2021). Queer archives. In K. K. Strunk & S. A. Shelton (Eds.), Encyclopedia of queer studies in education (pp. 490–493). Brill.
Book Review
- Coloma, R. S. (in press). A blueprint for educational criticism through Edward W. Said. Review of the book Edward Said and Education, by Z. Leonardo. Review of Education, Pedagody, and Cultural Studies. https://doi.org/10.1080/10714413.2024.2308428
Courses taught by Roland Sintos Coloma
Fall Term 2024
- TED5100 - Professional Engagement, Advocacy, and Instructional Planning
- TED7030 - Foundations of Teaching and Learning
Winter Term 2024
- TED8200 - Doctoral Seminar: Education in Socio-Political Culture
- ASN2500 - Introduction to Asian American Studies
- TED8250 - Pro-Seminar II: Introduction to Research in Educational Studies
Fall Term 2023
- TED5100 - Professional Engagement, Advocacy, and Instructional Planning
- TED6140 - Local School Curriculum Planning
- TED7030 - Foundations of Teaching and Learning
Recent university news spotlights
- Wayne State University College of Education receives more than $260,000 from General Motors for STEM education programming
- Making the grade: Next Gen helps aspiring teachers prepare for college and careers
- Wayne State University College of Education and Michigan Education Association receive $675,000 grant to support Project MITTEN
- Wayne State University College of Education hosts film and photo exhibition featuring stories about the spirit and strength of Detroit
- "Shifting Urban Narratives" featured in Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation video
- Division of Teacher Education receives $1.1 million from U.S. Department of Education to recruit, train and retain STEM teachers for high-need, urban districts
- College of Education addresses urgent needs