Accelerated Master's Pathway (AMP)
The Accelerated Master's Pathway (AMP provides undergraduate students an opportunity to earn graduate-level course credits Division of Kinesiology, Health and Sport Studies (e.g., Community Health, Exercise and Sport Science, Health and Physical Education Teaching, or Sport Management). By participating in AMP, students can decrease the cost and time to get a graduate degree.
Undergraduates who have earned 75 credits hours and have at least a 3.0 GPA can apply. Some programs may have additional requirements; contact academic advisor for more details.
For more details about the AMP program, students should contact the undergraduate advisor of their major program area or the office of Academic Services at or 313-577-1601.
Administrative "home"
The college's AMP program is administered by the office of Academic Services of the College of Education. Academic Services accepts students to the AMP program upon recommendations from the program areas and processes all necessary forms to make sure that students receive credit for the graduate level AMP courses completed within the bachelor's degree. Program areas will also monitor the progress of AMP students and advise them about coursework and when to apply for their graduate program of choice.
Advisors and students who have questions about the AMP program can contact the office of Academic Services at or 313-577-1601.
Time of application
Students can apply for an AMP program during the semester that they earn 75 credits toward an undergraduate degree. Students should consult with their undergraduate advisor in their major program area to seek advice about the appropriate time to apply for AMP.
Additional information
- Program area participation in AMP
Some program areas of the College may choose not to participate in the AMP program, as it is up to the individual program areas whether to accept AMP students. For more information about active AMP programs in the College of Education, students and advisors can contact or 313-577-1601.
- Application procedures
Students should consult their undergraduate advisor to find out about how and when to apply for AMP and submit the Graduate School application. Many program areas will require that AMP applicants submit all the application materials required for normal graduate admission. Specific details of the normal admissions procedures can be found at the Graduate School, Accelerated Master's Pathway program or the office of Academic Services in the College of Education.
- Receipt of bachelor's degree
AMP students will receive their bachelor's degree at the normal time after they have completed all undergraduate requirements and have applied for graduation. Students should work with the undergraduate advisor in their major program area to ensure completion of the undergraduate degree.
- Tuition
Graduate courses taken as part of the AMP program carry undergraduate tuition. This is a major benefit of AMP enrollment. Once students graduate from their bachelor's program, they will pay graduate level tuition for the remainder of their master's degree programs.
- Advising
Students accepted into AMP status will be assigned a graduate advisor in their major program area. They will also retain their undergraduate advisor while they are finishing up their bachelor's degree.
- Graduate School application
AMP students should consult with their undergraduate advisor to discuss when to submit the Graduate School application. Students can begin the master's program as soon as the semester after the bachelor's degree will be awarded. Official acceptance to the graduate program is required to complete the remaining courses needed for the master's degree.