Message from the Dean

Dean Denise Taliaferro Baszile
Dean Denise Taliaferro Baszile

Welcome to the College of Education at Wayne State University.  As Dean, I am honored to be part of its diverse community of distinguished students, scholars, and staff who are committed to Wayne State's vision of being a pre-eminent, public, research university known for academic and research excellence, success across a diverse student body, and meaningful engagement in our community.

We are proud of the education our students receive, with its emphasis on diversity, innovation, technology and research-based practices. Our professors are leaders in their fields who pride themselves on their quality programs, high standards, and dedication to students. Our programs are either accredited through their national professional organizations or approved by the Michigan Department of Education.

Explore our website for details about our programs, exciting events and significant research. Join the College of Education and launch your future!

I welcome you to this vibrant community. Go Warriors!


Denise Taliaferro Baszile
Dean College of Education