Theodoto Ressa, assistant professor for the College of Education in Special Education, quoted in ScienMag, EurekAlert, “What factors help students with disabilities transition to college?“

ScienMag, EurekAlert, 3/9
What factors help students with disabilities transition to college? 

Few aspiring students with disabilities attend college, and fewer complete a degree program. A qualitative study examined the perspectives of five undergraduate students with disabilities who attended college in the United States to identify factors that helped them successfully transition to college. Results suggest that self-determination allowed participants to reach their educational goals and participate in postsecondary education. The findings also suggest that teachers should infuse self-determination elements in the structure and content of the subjects they teach. “Students with disabilities are prepared for successful adulthood when placed in a rich, safe, and welcoming environment filled with learning opportunities and reasonable and appropriate risks to nurture self-determination,” said Theodoto Ressa, assistant professor of special education at Wayne State University’s College of Education.


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