News and Announcements
- Wayne State University College of Education awarded $1.25 million grant to strengthen special education instruction for students with disabilities
- Aspiring physician finds mentorship and connections to future career as a student researcher in College of Education’s exercise physiology lab
- Associate Professor Francesca Pernice discusses history, benefits and effectiveness of Fountain House clubhouse model on "Public Health in Action"
- Expanding Detroit’s health care workforce
- Doctoral graduate in educational evaluation and research Stephanie Gilkey develops first summative evaluation to help physician assistant studies programs assess student professionalism
- Doctoral candidate Liza Hinchey and advisor Francesca Pernice receive $10,000 grant from the Wayne State University Social Sciences Research Support Program
- Wayne State University College of Education receives grant to help schools implement curriculum to prevent drug abuse
- James Mallare makes his mark by compiling nation’s first report on the state of school health professional preparation programs
- Wayne State University’s College of Education receives $2.6 million grant to expand its Community Health Worker Academy
- Reaching the goal: Wayne State University College of Education faculty and students provide leadership at the Special Olympics Unified Cup
- Ketcheson appointed Special Olympics clinical director for health promotion for Michigan
- Early Career Research Award from the Society for the Study of School Psychology helps Kiperman develop video series promoting LGBTQ+ youth wellness
- Eisman designs and tests curriculum to reduce substance abuse among youth who experience trauma
- Lifestyle Fitness Activity courses help students improve physical and mental health
- Doctors and designers: New collaboration teaches future physicians how to create educational materials for patients
- Athletic training student and alumnus keep athletes safe during pandemic
- Investigator receives $500,000 grant to support health and wellness program for children on the Autism Spectrum