Bachelor of Science in Community Health

The Bachelor of Science in Community Health prepares students for careers in the broad field of community health. Coursework includes training in health topics, intervention development and evaluation, health behavior theory, policy and teaching methods. The program also prepares students to take the Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) exam, which is given by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. (NCHEC). This credential ensures that students are trained and qualified to plan and coordinate community health education programs.

The B.S. in Community Health provides practical field experiences and experiential coursework to prepare students for employment in public or private agencies, local health departments, volunteer organizations, hospitals, health insurance companies, worksite/employee health promotion and wellness programs, and a variety of community-based organizations.

Our mission is to advance health equity through the preparation of community health education specialists who explore the multiple levels (individual, family, community, policy, systems) and social determinants that influence behavior and health. Community health professionals focus on the community as the setting for analysis, assessment, advocacy, program planning, intervention, evaluation and research, and are committed to developing, enhancing and using evidence-informed strategies to improve population health.

Admission requirements for this program are satisfied by the general requirements for undergraduate admission to the university.

Accelerated Master's Pathway

Undergraduates enrolled in any bachelor's degree in the Division of Kinesiology, Health and Sport Studies (e.g., Community Health, Exercise and Sport Science, Health and Physical Education Teaching, or Sport Management), have earned at least 75 credits, and have a grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or higher, you can apply for admission into an Accelerated Master's Program (AMP). AMP programs would allow students to link their bachelor’s degrees with any master’s degree in the division and complete up to 16 credits of master's degree coursework during your bachelor's degree.

AMP programs enable students to complete up to half of their entire master’s degree (decreasing the time it would take them to complete a master’s degree nearly in half) and saves tuition expenses (undergraduate tuition is less than half the cost of graduate tuition). Students who are interested in learning more about the AMP program opportunities are encouraged to schedule an appointment with their academic advisor as early in their bachelor’s program as possible. 

Course requirements

A minimum of 120 credits are required for completion of this degree: satisfaction of the University General Education Program. All coursework must be completed in accordance with the academic procedures of the College of Education and the University governing undergraduate scholarship and degrees. All courses and course electives must be completed with grades of "C" or better and an overall 2.5 grade point average, to meet College graduation requirements. Course changes may occur through periodic curriculum revision and students are urged to consult assigned advisors prior to each registration period to ensure that all requirements are met. Students in this program complete a Plan of Work with their advisor and the Community Health Advising Guide.


Semester I: Fall

Courses Cr. Hrs.
Total 15
HE 1010 Foundations of Health and Health Promotion (F) 3
HE 3500 Human Disease (F, W, S/S) 3
HE 2310 Dynamics of Personal Health (F, W, S/S) 3
HE 5522 Health Psychology (F, W, S/S) 3
Elective 3

Semester II: Winter

Courses Cr. Hrs.
Total 15

HE 2320 Advancing Policy in Community Health Education (W)

HE 3344 Methods and Materials in Community Health Education* 3

HE 6310 Reproductive Health Education (W)


HE 4010 Foundation CH Program Planning (W)

Elective 3

Semester III: Fall

Courses Cr. Hrs.
Total 15
HE 3440 Nutrition and Health Education (F, W, S/S) 3
HE 6330 Health Behavior Change (F, W) 3
HE 6320 Mental Health and Substance Abuse (F, W) 3
HE 6501 Measurement and Evaluation in Community Health Education (F) 3
Elective 3

Semester IV: Winter

Courses Cr. Hrs.
Total 11-12

HE 4902 Internship (F, W, S/S)

LFA 2330 First Aid and CPR (F, W, S/S) 3
Elective 3

* Note: this class is offered every 3 semesters
F = Fall, W = Winter, S/S = Spring/Summer

The WSU program in Community Health is unique because it specifically prepares students to take the Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) exam, given through the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing ( The CHES certification is the only nationally and internationally accredited health education and promotion certification on the market. The CHES credential ensures employers that the potential employee has taken the initiative to pursue additional certification, and that they have real-life knowledge, and experience planning, implementing, evaluating and advocating for health education programs, all skills the WSU program prepares students to do.


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Academic services officer IV
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Kinesiology Health and Sport Studies

Phone: 313-577-4249