Educators Rising Conference and Competition

Educators Rising Conference imageWayne State University College of Education and Michigan Education Association (MEA) are pleased to announce Michigan's 2nd annual Educators Rising Conference and Competition for middle and high school students interested in pursuing a career in education.

Educators Rising is a national initiative through which participants build content knowledge and develop skills teachers need - including instruction, responsive planning, reflective practice and data analysis. They learn via instruction from and interaction with experts and leaders in the education profession. The MEA will facilitate the Michigan conference and competitions.

All Michigan middle and high school students who are interested in pursuing a career in education are welcome to attend and participate in the conference at no charge. The competitions will take place concurrently with the conference activities. Students participating in the competitions will be determined prior to the event and have a chance to advance to the June 2025 Educators Rising National Conference in Washington, D.C.


Wednesday, March 12, 2025

9:00 a.m. to 2 p.m.


On the main campus of Wayne State University

  • College of Education
    WSU College of Education, 5425 Gullen Mall
  • WSU Student Center Bldg
    WSU Student Center, 5221 Gullen Mall


Registration will open in fall 2024. Please check back for details. Registration is free and includes a continental breakfast, a buffet lunch and giveaways.

2024 Educators Rising Conference and Competition Program

Learn more about the Educators Rising program



Joan Verla
Educational Outreach Specialist
Teacher Education Division