Ben Pogodzinski, associate professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies in the College of Education, participated on a panel that focused on the impact of Detroit children frequently changing schools

DJC Mobility Event

WDET-FM, 11/21

How do we address widespread student transience in Detroit?

One in every three children in Detroit ends the year in a different school than they started in. You don't have to think long to imagine the interruption and chaos that ensues for students and teachers. WDET's partners in the Detroit Journalism Cooperative, Bridge Magazine and ChalkBeat, looked deeply into the effects of transience in Detroit's public schools in a recent series of articles. Parents who responded to a survey during the investigative work gave these reasons for moving their kids around:

"…academic struggles, issues with school discipline, and personal upheavals that forced them to find a new home. But, overwhelmingly, Detroit parents said they moved their children to new schools because they wanted better for their child - a safer school, a cleaner school, the kind of school where their children could thrive." WDET joined with DJC partners DPTV, Bridge, and ChalkBeat, for a community discussion about the issues with transience Detroit schools and families face in the education system, and looked at potential solutions, at the Detroit Public Library. Among the panelists was Ben Pogodzinski, associate professor, educational leadership & policy studies.

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