Congratulations to Joseph Homrocky (COE '97 '90) for Receiving Royal Oak School District's Outstanding Middle School Teacher of the Year

A Royal Oak Middle School teacher with a flair for using technology to motivate students is the district's Outstanding Middle School Teacher of the Year.

Joseph Homrocky, a social studies teacher, is known by his colleagues at the school for integrating technology into his classrooms.

"Mr. Homrocky is always learning about new technology and techniques to use in his classroom to make sure his lessons are engaging and reaching every student," said Royal Oak Middle School Principal Todd Noonan in a statement Monday.

A graduate of Wayne State University with a master's degree in elementary education, Homrocky is also the coordinator and leader of student trips to Washington D.C.

Students and teachers alike wrote up statements nominating Homrocky for the Teacher of the Year recognition.

"He is always finding a new teaching resource, website, or other tool to put on Google Classroom for us to try," said one of his students.

Homrocky, who is a member of his school's Leadership Team, has gained a reputation among fellow teachers for using technology to enhance lessons and gain students' interest.

"Joe's passion for his discipline is second to none," one teacher wrote. "Since the first Smart Board was rolled into this building, Joe has found ways to have history or world studies come to life for the kids ... (he) realizes how this motivates students and takes full advantage of it."

Other colleagues noted that Homrocky is passionate and always learning new things. The youngest of 11 children, Homrocky and his wife have two children.

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