Erin Centeio, assistant professor of Physical Education-Physical Activity Leadership receives the Mabel Lee Award

On Thursday, March 22, 2018 Erin Centeio, assistant professor for Physical Education-Physical Activity Leadership for the division of Kinesiology, Health & Sport Studies in the College of Education received the Mabel Lee Award. The Mabel Lee Award was instituted by the Society of Health and Physical Educator (SHAPE America) in 1976 for the purpose of recognizing younger members who have demonstrated outstanding potential in scholarship, teaching, and/or professional leadership. The Mabel Lee Awards are chosen in two membership categories, "college and university" and "non-college and university." The criteria for selecting recipients include:

  • Demonstrate a quality of performance that, if continued, indicates that they will develop into distinguished members of the profession.
  • Demonstrate outstanding potential in scholarship, teaching, and/or professional leadership as reflected by (a) exemplary abilities; (b) significant publications; (c) citations, awards, or other recognition for outstanding teaching, coaching, administration, or performing; or (d) active leadership roles in SHAPE America.
  • The award honors Mabel Lee who was recognized as SHAPE America's First Lady and was the first female president of the American Physical Education Association in 1931-32 and a leader in athletics for women. She graduated magna cum laude from Coe College. Lee spent the bulk of her professional career at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Mabel Lee served as director of physical education for women at UNL from 1924-1952. Lee was a proponent of wholesome sports for American women, she was the first woman president of AAHPERD and AAHPERD's first archivist. The award presented at the 133rd SHAPE America National Convention & Expo, which was held in Nashville, Tennessee from March 20-24, 2018. The focus of the convention is to engage participants in discussions about standards-based curriculum, effective instructional practices and evidence-based assessment. The conference is the largest gathering of health and physical educators that provides professional development that inspires and rejuvenates educators to help prepare all children to live better lives.

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