Join Education's Associate Professor Thomas Pedroni, State Superintendent Brian Whiston and panelists on Friday, September 29, 2017...

Join the NAACP Community forum on quality education in Michigan this Friday, September 29, 2017 at the Double Tree Hilton Hotel (4747 28th St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49512). Panel members will be Michigan education experts and leaders in the community.

  • Brian J. Whiston, State Superintendent, Michigan Department of Education
  • Tom McMillian, State Board of Education
  • Thomas Pedroni, Associate Professor and Researcher of Teacher Education Division, Wayne State University College of Education
  • Melba Denise Baldwin, Parent and Educator
  • The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed into law December 10, 2015 by President Obama, replacing the No Child Left Behind Act. It goes into effect this Fall in most states and requires the development of plans that address standards, assessments, school/district accountability, and special help for struggling schools.

    The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) submitted its final plan for meeting the requirements of ESSA to the U.S. Department of Education (USED) in April. The state is now in discussions with USED on its plan to comply with ESSA.

    Unique and vital to MI's submitted ESSA plan is the Partnership model. In May of 2017, nine MI districts that are home to 38 schools, that had been identified for possible closure and that had a predominantly African American student population, signed Partnership agreements with MDE. The agreements, which are unique to the needs of each district; partnership-driven; goal-driven; local-developed and owned; and student-focused, set a new course for these schools.

    As ESSA kicks off, it is essential for NAACP units to understand what ESSA requires and provides as well as be aware of NAACP advocacy priorities both within and outside the context of ESSA.

    The forum will provide an understanding of:

  • Current issues in education
  • Key challenges to quality education for MI students, specifically minority students
  • Strategies underway to address challenges (i.e. Partnership Model)
  • What's in the Michigan Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) plan
  • How civil rights strategies may be used to advocate for equal to quality education
  • For more information call (313) 520-6144 or email

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