Mike Addonizio, professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies in the College of Education, quoted in Detroit Free Press, "Detroit schools become 'winners and losers' in 'cutthroat system' to gain students"

Detroit Free Press, 8/26

Detroit schools become 'winners and losers' in 'cutthroat system' to gain students

By Michael Gerstein

As a new school year approached, it was crunch time for recruiting students in Detroit as district and charter schools vied for the same decreasing population of students during a summer in which multiple new schools are set to open. In the Detroit school district, pop-up enrollment centers opened for parents to get their children signed up through last week, while at the same time district staff canvassed neighborhoods. The district also has a new curriculum for high school students, held a back-to-school expo Saturday and is offering free immunization shots. Schools become "financial winners and losers" as parents move their children from school to school looking for better education options, said Michael Addonizio, an education professor at Wayne State University. With dwindling resources, Detroit schools have struggled to achieve large academic gains in a state where families can pick almost any school they choose, for any reason.


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