Rachael Dombrowski, Community Health Education Instructor for the College of Education in the division of Kinesiology, Health & Sport Studies presents at the 1st Annual MOTION Coalition

Rachael Dombrowski, Community Health Education Instructor for the College of Education in the division of Kinesiology, Health & Sport Studies and researcher for the Wayne State University Center for School Health presented on her research "Evaluation of Comprehensive and Coordinated Health Education in the Chicago Public Schools" at the first Annual MOTION Coalition Meeting held on Friday, June 24, 2016.

The MOTION Coalition on Obesity was created out of the Health Authority's Childhood Obesity Task Force which was convened to address the urgent issue of childhood obesity.

MOTION (Michigan Organizations To Impact Obesity & Nutrition) is comprised of stakeholders from youth organizations, such as the Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, and YMCA; and other interested community organizations, such as the Archdiocese of Detroit, the Michigan Environmental Council, and the United States Navy; to health care providers, including C.S. Mott Children's Hospital, Oakwood, Children's Hospital of Michigan, and St. John Providence.

The mission of the coalition is to "accelerate organizational and community efforts that promote physical activity and healthy eating in children to optimize their health and wellbeing."

The Wayne State University Center for School Health is proud to support the common cause of reducing childhood obesity and increasing physical activity.

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