Roland Coloma, professor and assistant dean for Teacher Education in the College of Education, quoted in Detroit Free Press, "Detroit teachers deal with growing pains "" and victories "" of new curriculum"

Detroit Free Press, 3/24

Detroit teachers deal with growing pains - and victories - of new curriculum

By Lori Higgins

Detroit school district leaders adopted a demanding new K-8 curriculum for English language arts and math. The district is more than halfway through the first year of that ambitious reboot, replacing what was deemed inferior with what they say better represents what students should learn in order be successful in life - and pass state exams. But the new curriculum comes with some major growing pains for teachers. Adopting a new curriculum can be one of the most stressful changes for teachers, because it means new materials, new textbooks, new resources and often, a change in the way they teach, said Roland Sintos Coloma, an assistant dean and professor of teacher education at Wayne State University. "Any change in general is challenging," Coloma said. What matters, he said, "is how you roll it out, how you communicate that change, and how you prepare your staff to be able to adapt to that change."

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