Sarah Lenhoff, assistant professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies wrote a letter to editor for the Detroit News, "Charter schools aren't a silver bullet"

Detroit News, 11/13

Letters: Charter schools aren't a silver bullet

By Sarah Winchell Lenhoff

Sarah Lenhoff, assistant professor, educational leadership and policy studies, Wayne State University, wrote a letter to the editor regarding a Nov. 3 Detroit News article, "Editorial: Scary Detroit scores make case for charters." Lenhoff wrote, "On "the nation's report card" this year, Detroit scored the lowest among major urban districts. In response, The Detroit News editorial board wrote that the results "make [the] case for charters." Their argument dangerously ignores the fact that concentrated poverty and racial segregation are at the root of educational inequities in Detroit. All of us who share the editorial board's urgency need to resist their narrow thinking about what is possible and what will be required to provide Detroit students with an excellent and equitable school system."

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