Tamara Hew-Butler, associate professor of Exercise and Sport Science in the College of Education wrote an article for The Conversation, "The serious consequence of exercising too much, too fast"

The Conversation, San Antonio Express-News, 1/24

The serious consequence of exercising too much, too fast

By Tamara Hew-Butler

Tamara Hew-Butler, associate professor of exercise and sports science, wrote a piece about exercise-associated collapse - the mechanical and chemical disruptions to muscle cell membranes which trigger the muscle cells to burst. "I am seeing and hearing of more incidents of skeletal muscle ruptures that are causing harm in other parts of the body. This information is not designed to scare people back onto the couch. The key take-away from highlighting these cases is to remind athletes, coaches and mere mortals that the desired physiological response to a training stimulus requires both a gradual buildup period and period of recovery in between training sessions. Although symptomatic rhabdomyolysis is uncommon, this emergent complication of exercise should be on everyone's radar since cases are on the rise. We coaches, trainers, scientists, practitioners and others encourage everyone to reap the joys and benefits of regular exercise training. However, we caution against exercising too much too soon. Self- (or coach-) inflicted skeletal muscle cell explosions are fully preventable with adherence to smart, physiologically sound approaches to training.


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