Tamara Hew-Butler, associate professor of Exercise & Sports Science in the College of Education, quoted in Good Housekeeping, MSN and Food and Beverage Reporter, “Health experts explain why drinking a gallon of water a day is too much.”

Yahoo, Good Housekeeping, MSN, Food and Beverage Reporter, 10/29
Health experts explain why drinking a gallon of water a day is too much
By Lisa Bain 

Hydration is important for health, but drinking a gallon of water a day is unnecessary. “Just like caloric intake and energy expenditure, there is no magical ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to the daily water requirements that everyone needs to ‘stay healthy,’” says Tamara Hew-Butler, associate professor of exercise and sport science at the College of Education, Wayne State University. “Although ‘Gallon Challenges’ and ‘8 x 8’ glasses per day recommendations are widely touted by both lay people and health professionals alike, the science behind these recommendations is largely mythical but widely propagated through clever marketing — think bottled water, oxygenated water, vitamin water, alkaline water, etc. — rather than clinical evidence.” 

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