Promotions and Tenure Announcements

The College of Education is honored to announce the following promotions and tenure for Education faculty.

Dr. Arya Poonam
Dr. Poonam Arya

Faculty awarded Tenure and Promotion to Full Professor, effective August 19, 2019:

  • Poonam Arya, Reading, Language & Literature
  • Dr. Arya is a tenured faculty member in Reading, Language, and Literature in the Teacher Education Division. She teaches masters, education specialist, and doctoral courses in reading theory, research, and practice. Her research includes text features, comprehension - retellings, peer discussions of literature, eye movement miscue analysis research and video-based teacher reflection.



Dr. Erika Bocknek
Dr. Erika Bocknek

Faculty awarded Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor, effective August 19, 2019:

  • Erika Bocknek, Educational Psychology
  • Dr. Bocknek is the Principal Investigator of the Family Resilience Lab. She studies social emotional development in young children in the context of parenting and family relationships. Her research and clinical practice emphasize resilience promotion in populations at risk as the result of poverty and trauma exposure by highlighting routines, rituals, and strategies that strengthen family bonds. Dr. Bocknek currently serves as Associate Editor of the Infant Mental Health Journal and is on the Editorial Board of Infancy.


  • Dr. Noel Kulik
    Dr. Noel Kulik
    Noel Kulik, Health Education: School or Community
  • Dr. Kulik studies child and adolescent health; obesity prevention and treatment; nutrition and physical activity behavioral interventions; and social support and health. Her research emphasizes community health programs that supports school youth to promote healthy habits.

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