Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology

Designed for students with degrees in psychology and related fields, our program in counseling psychology prepares future professionals to support personal and interpersonal health and recovery across the lifespan. Faculty prepare graduates to understand best practices derived from research, theory, ecological contexts, ethical and multicultural awareness.

Important dates

  • February 15: Fall applications due

Program Application

The Master of Arts (M.A.) degree in Counseling Psychology has a separate program application that must be completed along with the application to the Wayne State University Graduate School.


A minimum of 15 hours of psychology or a closely related field is required. It is suggested, but not required, that students have courses in the foundational areas of psychology, such as abnormal psychology, personality, behavioral, statistics and research methods. Applicants applying from Canada must hold a bachelor's in psychology per the requirements of the Canadian Board of Psychology for people seeking licensure in Canada.

Applicants applying from Canada must hold a bachelor's in psychology per the requirements of the Canadian Board of Psychology for people seeking licensure in Canada.

Course Requirements 

The Master of Arts degree in counseling psychology is a two-and-a-half to three-year program and includes full-time coursework, pre-practicum experiences, and a 500-hour clinical practicum in a clinical setting.

Most graduate classes are offered after 5:00 p.m. Clinical pre-practicum and practicum meeting hours may vary during the second year of the program. Students must complete all classes in the sequence offered each semester. Students are expected to enroll full-time and must meet the competencies and expectations prior to starting clinical practica. Students must complete in Diagnostic assessment, psychological testing, and psychotherapy prior to starting clinical practica experiences.


Fall Semester Year 1

Courses Cr. Hrs.
Total 10
EDP 7370 Psychopathology & Diagnosis 3
EDP 7410 Human Developmental Psychology 4
EDP 7520 Professional Ethics and Standards for Psychologists 3

Winter Semester Year 1

Courses Cr. Hrs.
Total 9
EDP 7240 Systems of Psychotherapy 3
CED 7730 Cultural and Diversity Issues in Mental Health Treatment Research 3
EDP 7400 Foundations of Social Psychology 3

Spring Semester Year 1

Courses Cr. Hrs.
Total 10
EDP 7220 Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents 4
EER 7640 Fundamentals of Quantitative Methods 3
EDP 7610 Child & Adolescent Psychopathology 3

Fall Semester Year 2

Courses Cr. Hrs.
Total 10
EDP 7561 Assessment of Cognitive Functioning 4
CED 6096/6096 Intro to Group Counseling & Lab 3
EDP 7430 Cognitive, Behavioral, & Affective Therapeutic Methods & Interventions 3

Winter Semester Year 2

Courses Cr. Hrs.
Total 10
EDP 7190 Couples Therapy 3
EDP 7562 Assessment of Personality and Social-Emotional Functioning 4
EDP 8319 Pre-Practicum in Clinical Procedures 3

Spring/Summer Semester Year 2

Courses Cr. Hrs.
EDP 8320 Practicum in Clinical Procedures 3
Total 3

Fall Semester Year 3

Courses Cr. Hrs.
Total 6
EDP 8320 Practicum in Clinical Procedures 3
CED 6065 Career Development & Employment Strategies (Elective) 3

Dedicated to student success

The Student Affiliates in the Society of Counseling Psychology (SAS-CP) is a student group under APA's Division 17. Focused on creating a culturally responsive network for WSU Counseling Psychology students, SAS-CP addresses legislative and ethical issues affecting the field, shares employment and internship opportunities, and promotes interdisciplinary knowledge exchange. It offers educational, social, and supportive resources to enhance professional development.

Professional Licensure Program Disclosure

The University has determined that the curriculum of the M.A. in Counseling psychology program at Wayne State University in the College of Education, meets the eligibility to apply for a temporary limited license following graduation. Post-master's degree clinical hours and experience to meet state licensure requirements and determined by the student. For licensure portability and licensure requirements in other states can be found at licensure or certification.


Charles Boayue III
Program Specialist

Francesca Pernice, Ph.D. LP, LMFT     
Program Director and Supervisor

Theoretical & Behavioral Foundations

Phone: 313-577-1613