Faculty experts

Loubna Alkhayat

Assistant Professor of Counselor Educatrion
Theoretical and Behavioral Foundations

Cultural competency training
Trauma and PTSD
Refugees mental health
Cognitive behavior therapy

lalkhavat@wayne.edu, ag2102@wayne.edu

Poonam Arya, Ph.D.

Professor of Reading, Language & Literature
Teacher Education Division

Eye movements/eye tracking
Literacy education
Teacher reflection
Video methods

parya@wayne.edu, ay3185@wayne.edu


Shadin Atiyeh, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Counselor Education
Theoretical and Behavioral Foundations

Career counseling
Multicultural counseling


Katie Baleja, Ed.D.

Assistant Professor of Teaching
Teacher Education Division

Digital literacy
Digital teaching
Educational technology
New Literacies
Screen casting
STEM education

Kbaleja@wayne.edu, hb7461@wayne.edu

Elizabeth Barton

Associate Professor of Research
Theoretical and Behavioral Foundations

Educational psychology
Academic achievement
Conflict resolution
Diversity education
Violence prevention


Stacey Brockman, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

stacey.brockman@wayne.edu, hq3675@wayne.edu

Educational programs and polices that promote equity in college access and success
Partner-engaged research on school- and community-based programs
Experimental and quasi-experimental methods to identify the causal impacts of educational interventions
Postsecondary pathways of Detroit high school graduates

Krista Clancy, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Teaching in Applied Behavior Analysis
Theoretical and Behavioral Foundations

Applied behavior analysis
Verified course sequence
ABA training

kclancy@wayne.edu, bx4655@wayne.edu

Roland Sintos Coloma, Ph.D.

Professor of Teacher Education
Teacher Education Division

Educational policy and politics
Globalization and transnationalism
History of education
LGBT and sexuality
Race, race relations and anti-racism
Teacher education
Urban education

rscoloma@wayne.edu, gr4674@wayne.edu

Kathleen Crawford-McKinney, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Reading, Language and Literature
Teacher Education Division

Children's literature
Elementary education
Inquiry based curriculum
Literacy education
Writing process and practice

kmcrawf@wayne.edu, ay2367@wayne.edu

Sameerah S. Davenport, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Teaching in Counselor Education
Theoretical and Behavioral Foundations

Counselor education
Crisis intervention
Psychological resilience
Psychological trauma

sameerah.davenport@wayne.edu, ab8665@wayne.edu

Jazlin Ebenezer, Ed.D.

Professor, Charles H. Gershensen Distinguished Faculty Fellow of Science Education
Teacher Education Division

Conceptual change
Curriculum discourse
Innovative technologies
Interpretive research
Scientific practices
Students' conceptions



Erica B. Edwards, Ph.D.

Associate Professor for Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
Administrative & Organizational Studies

Urban education policy
Race, class, gender & school discipline
School/prison nexus
Black girls and schooling
Black women and teaching
Qualitative research
Black feminist education research
Cultural studies
Popular culture

eedwards@wayne.edu, cc8021@wayne.edu

Mariane M. Fahlman, Ph.D.

Professor of Health and Physical Education
Kinesiology, Health and Sport Studies

Eating and physical activity behaviors
Exercise in elderly populations
Exercise and immune function
School health education


Holly Feen-Calligan, Ph.D.

Professor of Art Therapy
Theoretical and Behavioral Foundations

Art therapy

hfeen@wayne.edu, aa3597@wayne.edu

Susan Gabel, Ph.D.

Professor of Special Education
Teacher Education Division

Curriculum studies
Disability studies in education
Inclusive education
Inclusive teaching
Intellectual and developmental disability

susan.gabel@wayne.edu, ah8051@wayne.edu

Christine Hancock, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Special Education
Teacher Education Division

Discourse analysis
Equitable collaboration
Family-educator decision-making
Family-educator partnerships
Home visiting
Inclusive early childhood education
Mixed methods research

christinehancock@wayne.edu, fd5388@wayne.edu

Tamara Hew-Butler, DPM, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Exercise Physiology
Kinesiology, Health and Sport Studies

Bone density sports
Fluid balance
Sweat sodium

tamara.hew-butler@wayne.edu, gr7894@wayne.edu

Linda Jimenez, Ph.D.

Professor of Teaching in Exercise and Sport Science
Kinesiology, Health and Sport Studies

Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
Inclusive design pedagogy
Entrepreneurship and strategic alignment

Jimenez.L@wayne.edu, af8225@wayne.edu

Kristen M. Kaszeta, M.A.

Assistant Professor of Teaching
Kinesiology Health & Sport Studies

Childhood obesity prevention
Health interventions
Health school transformations
Obesity prevention
Physical activity
Lifestyle fitness activities
Group fitness

Kristen.kaszeta@wayne.edu, au4972@wayne.edu

Leah R. Ketcheson, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Health and Physical Education
Kinesiology, Health and Sport Studies

Autism spectrum disorder
Community based
Health disparities
Motor interventions
Motor skills
Neurodevelopmental disabilities
Physical activity

leah.ketcheson@wayne.edu, gf9458@wayne.edu

Sarah Kiperman, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology
Theoretical & Behavioral Foundations

Student mental health
LGBTQ youth
Social support
Coping skills
Cultural humility

sarah.kiperman@wayne.edu, ba7857@wayne.edu


Noel Kulik, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Community Health
Kinesiology, Health and Sport Studies

Community health
Childhood obesity prevention


Qin Lai, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Kinesiology, Health and Sport Studies

Information process
Motor control
Motor learning
Motor neuroscience
Muscle fatigue
Postural control


Sarah Lenhoff, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
Administrative and Organizational Studies

Charter schools
Educational equity
Educational policy
Instructional reform
Improvement science
Policy development
Policy implementation
Professional learning
Racial equity
Research partnerships
School attendance
School choice
School improvement
School reform
Student attendance and absenteeism
Teacher effectiveness
Teacher quality
Urban education

sarah.lenhoff@wayne.edu, fj6428@wayne.edu

Jennifer Lewis, Ph.D.

Professor of Mathematics Education
Teacher Education Division

Teacher education
Professional development
Lesson study
Mathematics education
Urban schooling
Culturally responsive teaching
Elementary education
Middle school
Teacher learning
Relational learning
Social-emotional learning
Online teaching
Teacher evaluation
Principal learning
STEM education

jmlewis@wayne.edu, ek4612@wayne.edu

Chrissy Maleske, Ph.D. Candidate

Instructor - Teaching of Sport Management and Administration
Kinesiology, Health and Sport Studies

Sport development program/project management
Grant management
Sport for development monitoring and evaluation
Event marketing
Event planning and management
Collegiate partnership/sponsorship activation
Human rights in sport
Sustainable development in sport
Large-scale sport events
Sport for development
Sport event leveraging and community development

cmaleske@wayne.edu, hr6825@wayne.edu

Jeffrey Martin, Ph.D.

Professor of Exercise Physiology
Kinesiology, Health and Sport Studies

Exercise psychology
Disability sport and exercise
Physical activity
Physical activity psychology


Nate McCaughtry, Ph.D.

Professor, Assistant Dean and Director of CHCI
Kinesiology, Health and Sport Studies

Center for Health and Community Impact
Childhood obesity prevention
Cultural competence
Cultural relevance
Culturally relevant pedagogy
Diversity, equity and inclusion
Health interventions
Health school transformations
Obesity prevention
Physical activity
Physical education
Professional development
Teacher development
Teacher education
Trauma-informed practices
Urban education
Urban health
Urban health equity and disparities


Amanda Miller, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Special Education
Teacher Education Division

Youth perspectives
Inclusive education
Intellectual and developmental disabilities
Disability-centered, culturally sustaining pedagogies
Family-school-community partnerships
Disability studies
Disability critical race studies (DisCrit)
Critical qualitative inquiry
Discourse analysis
Visual methodologies
Youth participatory action research
Community-based participatory research 

almiller@wayne.edu, hf7098@wayne.edu


Asli S. Ozgun-Koca

Professor of Mathematics Education
Teacher Education Division

Lesson study
Mathematics education
Mathematics teacher education
Middle school
Professional development
Secondary education
Teacher education
Teacher learning
Technology use in mathematics education
The use of technology in education

aokoca@wayne.edu, ay3141@wayne.edu

Thomas Pedroni, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction
Teacher Education Division

Curriculum and instruction
Neoliberal urbanism
Political economy
Race and education
Schooling and society
Urban education

pedroni@wayne.edu, ff6554@wayne.edu

Francesca Pernice, Ph.D.

Professor of Education Psychology
Theoretical and Behavioral Foundations

Couples and family therapy
Family systems
Mental health recovery
Psychosocial clubhouse
Social networks

FrancescaPernice@wayne.edu, bb3832@wayne.edu


Monte Piliawsky, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Teaching in Educational Studies
Theoretical and Behavioral Foundations

Educational leadership & policy studies
Achievement gap
Charter schools
Class and education
Deficit thinking
Educational sociology
Equal education opportunity
Gender and education
History of american education
No child left behind
Philosophy of education
Race and education
School Cchoice
School desegregation
School funding
School reform
Transformative educational leadership


Ben Pogodzinski, Ph.D.

Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
Administrative and Organizational Studies

Labor relations
Policy development
Policy implementation
School choice
Teacher evaluation
Teacher labor markets
Teacher unions

ben.pogodzinski@wayne.edu, cs3372@wayne.edu

Theodoto Ressa, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Special Education
Teacher Education Division


theodoto.ressa@wayne.edu, gn1621@wayne.edu

Kathryn Roberts, Ph.D.

Professor of Reading, Language and Literature

Reading, language and literature
Early literacy
Emergent literacy
Graphical comprehension
Information text
Literacy education
Visual literacy


Bo Shen, Ph.D.

Professor of Physical Education and Physical Activity Leadership
Kinesiology, Health and Sport Studies

Physical education and physical activity leadership
Physical activity interventions
Physical education curriculum and instruction

boshen@wayne.edu, av4286@wayne.edu

Cheryl Somers, Ph.D.

Professor, Educational Psychology
Theoretical and Behavioral Foundations

Adolescent development
P-12 schooling; learning, assessment, and achievement
Child and adolescent social-emotional, behavioral, and mental health functioning
Risk behavior in children, adolescents, and emerging adults
Trauma exposure, trauma-informed teaching, and fostering alternatives to suspension and traditional school discipline
Resilience and recovery from trauma exposure
Integration of mental and physical health and wellness
School-based interventions to improve youth outcomes
Emphasis on vulnerable youth including those of low income and economic marginalization (LIEM) backgrounds

c.somers@wayne.edu, ae8865@wayne.edu

Denise Taliaferro Baszile

Dean, College of Education

Multi-culturally relevant and responsive curriculum development
Equitable leadership
DEI praxis for recruitment and retention
Community-based pedagogies


Monica Tracey, Ph.D.

Professor of Learning Design and Technology
Administrative and Organizational Studies

Authentic design
Design principles
Designer professional identity development
Design thinking
Empathic design
Experience design
Holistic design
Interdisciplinary design
Universal design

MonicaTracey@wayne.edu, ab0225@wayne.edu

Mario Vassallo, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Teaching in Exercise and Sport Science
Kinesiology Health & Sport Studies

Anabolic-androgenic steroids
Cultural competence
Health and fitness
Kinesiology, health and sport studies - exercise and sport science
Sport psychology
Strength and conditioning

mario.vassallo@wayne.edu, ft4462@wayne.edu

Sandra Yarema, Ph.D.

Associate Professor (Clinical) of Science Education
Teacher Education Division

Science education
Science curriculum/instruction
3-Dimensional science teaching and learning
Scientific and engineering practices
Teacher professional development
Initial teacher certification

yarema@wayne.edu, ar3209@wayne.edu


Min Yu, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Social Studies Education, Comparative and International Education
Teacher Education Division

Archival research
Comparative and international education
Curriculum studies
Social movement
Teacher education

minyu@wayne.edu, fy7865@wayne.edu


Meina Zhu, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Learning Design and Technology
Administrative and Organizational Studies

Online education
Self-Directed learning & self-regulated learning
Computer science education
STEM education
Emerging learning technologies
Learning analytics

meinazhu@wayne.edu, hb8648@wayne.edu